Gustav Ioan Hlinka - Romania
Gustav Ioan Hlinka Biography:
Date of birth: June 6, 1947,
Associations and foundations
- Românǎ Numismatics Society;
- Association Filatelicǎ Caras-Severin (creator of layouts for: stamp stamps occasional, medals, plaques, envelopes and postal)
- Member of the German Association of Culture and Adult Education Resita
-Member of Naive Art Universal Foundation
- Founding Member and vice-president of Naive Art "ARPLANA-VINTILĂ"
- Spokesperson in the art of Democratic Forum of Germans in Resita
First Exhibition: Resita - artistic debut, January 12, 1971
1977 - Third Prize, County Fair
1979 - Second Prize, Inter-County Fair
1979 - First Prize, County Fair
1981 - Second Prize for Painting, National Exhibition (Republican)
1981 - Third Prize, graphics, National Exhibition (Republican)
1983 - Nobel Prize and Title of painting, National Exhibition (Republican)
1985 - Nobel Prize and title, National Exhibition (Republican), the industrial landscape
1985 - Nobel Prize and title for naive painting, the same exhibition contest
1986 - Third Prize, Inter-County Hall of Naive Arts, Botosani
1992 - Silver Medal Hepper of Bielefeld (Germany)
1993 - Plaque of Neumarkt in Steiermark (Austria)
2006 - Award "Eminescu and the title of Knight of the Order of Cultural Eminescu - 1868 - Oravita"
2006 - Award County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Bacau
2008 - Award County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Bacau
2008 - Award for Painting "Dr. John GRIGORESCU "-The National Art Exhibition naive PITEŞTI the XL Edition (40)